My name is Ganesh Danke, and I am a second year Computer Science major with a concentration in AI at Northeastern University.
I am currently on co-op in Cambridge, and will return to taking classes on the Boston campus in Fall 2024.
I made this website to showcase some of my projects and experience, and share ideas and topics that I find interesting.
Feel free to scroll around, and reach out to me regarding any inquiries or opportunities.
NYT Crossword Solver
An automated solver for the New York Times mini crossword, powered by the OpenAI API and Selenium.
AI News Feed Analysis
A web app that uses natural language processing to analyze the sentiment, bias, and trends of the news, sourced from Google RSS feeds. Built for Northeastern London.
Bullet Journal App
A calender and bullet journal application built in java, designed
to with extensibility in mind to handle a dynamic requirement set.